t. 607.272.2292
f. 607.272.7088
e. tompkins@cornell.edu
w. ccetompkins.org

Prescription Produce Program Courses 2020


5 Required Classes with Surveys to Complete 

1. Introduction 

Video:  Link to Class 1 on YouTube

Surveys to Complete After Class: 

Consent to Participate

Demographic Survey

2. Setting Personal Health Goals

Video:  Link to Class 2 on YouTube

Surveys to Complete After Class: 

Consent to Participate in CMC Health Research -- new version coming soon

Setting Your Personal Health Goals

3. Diet & Nutrition that Starts with Fruit and Vegetables

Video:  Link to Class 3 on YouTube

Survey to Complete After Class:  

Diet and Nutrition Survey

4. Purchasing Affordable Healthy Food

Video:  Link to Class 4 on YouTube

Survey to Complete After Class: 

Food Purchasing Survey

5. Cooking In Season

Video:  Link to Class 5 on YouTube

Survey to Complete After Class: 

Cooking Interest Survey

Mid-season and Exit Surveys

Mid-season Survey

If you started in May, please complete this between Sept 15-Oct. 15

If you started in October, please complete this between Jan 15-Feb 15

Exit Survey

If you started in May, please complete this between Nov 15-Dec 15

If you started in October, please complete this between March 5-March 30


Seasonal Recipe Guide for Tompkins County

Online Recipe Guide at CCETompkins.org


Optional Group Activities

 Program Facebook Group

Tina Snyder's Weekly Nutrition and Cooking Series

email Tina at tmf8@cornell.edu

The Cooking Hotline at 607-251-0393 

Available Mon 2-6 and Fri 9-1 for questions about recipes, food storage, nutrition and anything else you want to know about cooking what you have!
