Image sequence showing how OptimizeEV charging works
Electric Vehicle charging with smart meter

OptimizEV (Completed)

What is OptimizEV?

OptimizEV was a pilot program that NYSEG ran within the Energy Smart Community to learn how to make plug-in electric vehicle charging work best for both car owners and the electrical grid.

Swapping out gas-powered vehicles with electric vehicles (EVs) can significantly reduce our fossil fuel consumption, especially if those EVs are charged using renewable sources of electricity. Many plans for a fossil free future include widespread adoption of electric vehicles. One significant challenge is related to the capacity of the electrical grid when there are many EVs that need to be charged. There is a large strain on the grid if everyone charges their cars at the same time. These significant peaks in demand are more likely to be met with energy from fossil fuels instead of renewable options.

To address this, NYSEG's OptimizEV pilot tested new home chargers with a technology that will help lessen the strain on the grid. The technology that was used in this pilot allowed vehicle owners to set the time that they expect to need their car charged and then charges the vehicle in a way that works best for the grid. Those that were able to charge their vehicles over a longer duration of time could receive discounts on by opting for slower charging. At any time, participants could choose to charge their cars normally.

Who Could Sign Up?

NYSEG residential customers (Service Class 1), who own or lease a plug-in electric vehicle, and live within the Energy Smart Community smart meter upgrade area, and have a smart meter are eligible to participate in this pilot.

Where to Find More Information

To find out more check out this flyer, visit, and contact

Last updated February 2, 2023