Joint Youth Commission - Boynton; Rural Youth Services

Cooking class at Boynton Middle School, through RYS JYC program

Joint Youth Commission

Serving youth in the Town of Caroline, Town of Ithaca, Villages of Cayuga Heights & Lansing

In 2014, the Town of Caroline, Town of Ithaca and the Villages of Cayuga Heights and Lansing (JYC) joined together to form the new expanded Joint Youth Commission (JYC) to offer programs year-round for youth who live in these communities.

Programs are offered after school and during school breaks and the summer. 

These programs are open to youth aged 10 and up, and will follow CDC and NYS COVID guidelines.

Transportation is generally not offered, although contact Beth for possible transportation/car-pooling information. Late buses may be taken at Dewitt or Boynton at 4:30PM.

Youth should bring water bottles and snacks to programs. For outdoor programs, please be prepared for any weather. Thanks!

Click Here for Current Program Offerings


Beth Bannister
Joint Youth Commission Program Educator
(607) 272-2292 ext. 137 (Voicemail 229)

Last updated August 18, 2023