Get There Green Banner - Graphic of woman on bike, and symbols of other transportation modes like transit.

Join other New Yorkers in using sustainable transportation


Get There Green Week

  • Sunday, September 17, 2023, 12:15 AM - Sunday, September 24@ 12:00 AM

Join in a week of climate action by using a more sustainable mode of transportation for as many trips as possible.

Get There Green (#GTG23) is a week to promote and celebrate more sustainable modes of transportation This year, it is taking place on September 17 through 24 and coincides with Climate Week NYC.

How to Participate

Step #1: Take Your Trip(s)

Simply walk, bike, take public transit, carpool, drive an electric vehicle, or use another form of sustainable transportation (not driving alone in a fossil fuel-powered vehicle) for the trip(s).

Step #2: Post

While on your trip(s), and in a safe manner, take a selfie and post it to social media using #GTG23 to let everyone know about your awesome green trip! 

You can tag @Way2Go_Tompkins on Instagram or @Way2GoTompkinsCounty on Facebook to share your journey with us for eligibility to win prizes!

If you live in Ithaca or Tompkins County, explore transportation programs, services, resources, and activities to help you along the way!

TCAT Bus- Local bus system serving Tompkins County

Ithaca Bikeshare - Electric-powered bike share serving the Ithaca area

Bike Walk Tompkins - Bike and Walk advocacy, education, resources, and events

511/NY Finger Lakes Rideshare - Ridematching platform serving NYS

GOITHACA - Sustainable transportation incentive and reward program

Way2Go - Transportation information, education, resources and events

Learn the benefits of participating in this week-long challenge and Reasons to Get There Green!


Free or the cost of transportation

Learn More

Last updated September 8, 2023