Picture of a field with round bales.
2024 Ag Summit
Monday, March 18, 2024,
10:30 AM -
3:00 PM
Farmers, rural landowners, and local government
officials are invited to attend the 2024 Tompkins County Agriculture Summit to learn
about programs, emerging markets, and funding opportunities to address climate
change, improve resiliency, and protect farmland for the future of farming. Presenters
at this year’s summit include representatives from:
- The USDA Natural Resources
Conservation Service, USDA Farm Service Agency, Tompkins County Soil &
Water Conservation District, who will provide information on new and expanding
funding opportunities to address climate change;
- The New York Agricultural Land Trust,
who will share information about protecting farmland for future generations of
farmers, including the New York State Farmland Protection Implementation Grant
Program for Purchase of Development Rights and the Tompkins County upcoming
farmland protection pre-application process;
- The New York Tree Crop Alliance and
Cornell Cooperative Extension, who will address new and emerging crops and
marketing opportunities;
- The Farm Viability Institute, who share
information about programs to support the next generation of farmers; and
- A panel of farmers who have received
climate resilient and conservation stewardship grants, who will speak to their
experience with these grant programs and climate change.
This event is sponsored by Ithaca Agway, Farm Credit East,
Friends of Ithaca Farmers Market, Tompkins County Farm Bureau, and Greenstar.
Enfield Community Center
162 Enfield Main Rd
Ithaca, NY 14850
Last updated March 6, 2024