NY State Weather Map showing the precipitation rate for a 24 hours period.
Image by Alicia Wasula

NY State Weather Map, showing rain rates for a 24 hour period.


What's Going on with the Weather?

  • Tuesday, August 13, 2024, 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Extreme weather events seem to be all over the news these days, and you may have even experienced extreme or unusual weather on your property. Is it 'hype', or is there really something going on? In this session, we will review this year's weather conditions, discuss weather events which may have impacted our area, and learn how these events 'fit in' to what we know about how the Earth's climate is changing. Supplemental information will be provided on how to observe and learn about the weather in your own backyard so that you can track short- and long-term changes in your specific location.

Instructor's bio: Alicia Wasula is the owner of STM Weather (formerly Shade Tree Meteorology), a forensic meteorology firm based in Troy, New York. She received her BS, MS, and PhD degrees in Atmospheric Science from the University at Albany. After teaching both general education and upper-level meteorology and related science courses for several years, Alicia moved into work in the private sector at STM Weather in 2013, and became the owner in 2016. Today, STM Weather is a team of four meteorologists with a mission to provide clearly communicated, scientifically sound weather information.

This program is in-person only at the CCE Tompkins Office at 615 Willow Ave in Ithaca, however a recording will be shared to all registered afterwards.


This program is vauled at $20, however, please pay what you are able. Paying more than $20 will help others attend this class and future workshops.




Marissa Nolan
Horticulture Team Lead
607-272-2292 x194


Cornell Cooperative Extension
615 Willow Ave
Ithaca, NY 14850

Last updated June 13, 2024