This is a picture of the Wuster Rock Garden, located at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County.
Image by Carol Eichler

May 22: Learn about low maintenance rock gardens, even if you have a very small yard.


Rock Gardens for Everyone

  • Thursday, May 22, 2025, 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

There’s a rock garden to match every gardener’s needs. Have a small yard? Have no yard? Want low maintenance? Have awful soil? Like to grow different plants? Want a challenge? Or are you just curious to learn more about rock gardening? This is the class for you, it will include an indoor presentation and an outdoor demonstration and tour of the Al Wurster Memorial Garden at CCE, which should be peak bloom. Those over Zoom will get to enjoy the entire presentation, the outdoor portion is weather dependent.

Instructor's bio: Carol Eichler, a Master Gardener Volunteer of more than 40 years, began as a reluctant rock gardener but has since gotten hooked. Recently, she has been contemplating how to make rock gardening less daunting and will share her ideas of different ways to approach rock gardening for beginners

This class is offered in-person or via Zoom. Registration required.


This program is valued at $20, however, please pay what you are able. Paying more than $20 will help others attend the class.



Marissa Nolan
Horticulture Team Lead
607-272-2292 x194


This event is online


CCE-Tompkins Education Center
615 Willow Avenue
Ithaca, NY 14850-3555

Last updated February 6, 2025