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Tompkins County Food System Grant Support Pilot Program


The Tompkins County Legislature has allocated one-time funding through Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) Tompkins County to support the needs of food and farming entities in the food system in accessing funding and applying for grants. CCE Tompkins is seeking an experienced grant educator to work with CCE Tompkins and the Tompkins Food Future Team in supporting food system organizations and farmers in the Tompkins County foodshed whose work advances recommendations in the Tompkins County Food System Plan. The responsible individual(s) will work closely with a designated Grant Education Advisory Committee to provide food system stakeholders with support and resources. This is a 4-5 month pilot project beginning as soon as August 19, 2024, and ending December 31, 2024, with possibility for extension for an additional 8 months pending additional funding.


The estimated compensation for this position is up to $22,000, pending successful completion of Deliverables and Scope of Work as outlined below by December 31, 2024.

Scope of Work

Responsibility Description
Design and provide educational workshops. Work with CCE Tompkins staff to identify food system organizations and farmers to participate in this program.

Design and host interactive programmatic workshops to educate food system entities about funding opportunities (grant research or ‘discovery’ and fundraising initiatives).

Provide assistance, support, and direction in the grant application process. May use case studies as an educational vehicle. Sessions could include editing, proofreading and providing feedback on grants as-written by food system entities.

Educate and advise on alternative fundraising strategies outside of grants, e.g. crowdfunding, business partnerships and other innovative fundraising opportunities.

Educate and advise about organizational capacity development that can help support effective grant administration.

Support groups applying for collaborative grants

Meet and correspond with small groups collaborating on grant applications to provide tailored support, including: reviewing RFPs, answering questions about specific grant opportunities, matching groups with grants based on research, providing feedback on grants as-written by group members, as well as strategic planning for annual grant writing activities. Work with CCE Tompkins to coordinate with other grant support entities as relevant.

Support individuals applying for grants

Meet and correspond with individual food system actors to provide tailored support, including: reviewing RFPs, answering questions about specific opportunities, matching individuals with grants based on research, providing feedback on grants as-written by individual applicants, and supporting strategic planning for annual grant writing activities. Work with CCE Tompkins to coordinate with other grant support entities as relevant.

Create a guide on the application process identifying types of grants to apply for

Provide technical assistance and education on the application process/steps to help participants understand the complete logistical process including required paperwork.

Create a schedule of upcoming grant deadlines and, when possible, sample completed applications.

Collect program evaluation data

Design and administer evaluation rubric for the program. Collect data that can be used to provide recommendations for action at the level of the county and support agencies in the county about both the success of this program, and any broader support needed in the community to access funding.

The expectation is for the consultant to meet with the Grant Education Advisory Committee monthly.


  • Knowledge of Tompkins County food system and farming community
  • Knowledge of Tompkins County foundations and national food system funders
  • Demonstrated success securing federal and philanthropic funding for food system projects
  • Experience designing and facilitating educational grant workshops and programs
  • Demonstrated work with and within BIPOC organizations and communities
  • Meet CCE Tompkins insurance contractual requirements. Templates can be sent upon request.

Deliverable Deadlines and Invoicing Schedule

  1. Develop and publicize project calendar to include workshops, programs and 1:1 meeting opportunities (e.g. office hours); create summary resource of annual grant deadlines; create evaluation plan for project success: within two weeks of start date
  2. Offer tailored 1:1 support to individuals and groups seeking grant and fundraising support: target 8 support meetings per week starting in week six
  3. Design and facilitate three Educational Grant Workshops: by December 20, 2024
  4. Collect and provide summary data evaluating program impacts and recommendations for project sustainability: by December 30, 2024

Proposal Instructions

We are seeking brief (3-5 pages, not including any supporting documentation) proposals which demonstrate the following:

  • Why you are interested in this opportunity
  • Experience in grant writing and demonstrated success obtaining grants. Please provide links to previous relevant grant submissions with amounts awarded.
  • Experience researching grant opportunities and successfully matching applicants with relevant grants.
  • Demonstrated work with and within BIPOC communities
  • Experience in designing educational programs focused on stakeholder subject matter
  • Estimate capacity to meet target of 35 meetings per month supporting individual and group applications
  • Explain applicant’s intent (or not) to apply for extension pending additional funding being secured
  • Proposals that demonstrate how they will preferentially serve small (<$500k per year annual budget) and historically-underserved entities will be reviewed favorably

Proposal Timeline

Proposals are due by July 22, 2024. The Grant Education Advisory Committee anticipates interviewing potential consultants and announcing a final decision by August 9, 2024.


Please send proposals and questions to Katie Hallas at kh788@cornell.edu. Please put “Food System Grant Educator RFP” in the subject line of your email.


Graham Savio
Agriculture & Horticulture Issue Leader
(607) 272-2292 ext 159

Last updated July 11, 2024