CCE-Tompkins offers reliable information on Electric Vehicles (EVs) for everyone interested. We are networked with EV owners and leasers, car dealerships, transportation and energy agencies, universities, and community organizations to strengthen what we collectively know, help people make the switch to EVs when appropriate, and expand Tompkins County's network of EV chargers. Join us to learn more about EVs (see below)
Gas and diesel powered vehicle emissions continue to disrupt the climate provoking more violent storms, flooding and drought. Government is attempting to slow the climate’s dangerous trajectory by helping everyone cut their emissions. Whenever you can walk, bike, or take TCAT bus, it helps! If you commute from rural areas, carpooling with friends or colleagues takes a little organizing but is a great solution! The next best is for everyone to switch from gas burning cars to EVs as quickly as possible.
What's an EV? No special skills or special license is required to drive an electric vehicle. "EV" is not a brand - it’s a term for all types of electric vehicles: electric cars and pickups, electric buses, e-bikes, e-scooters, you name it. Even vehicles that run on hybrid energy sources (eg. battery powered with a gasoline engine as backup) are part of the EV family. The common denominator is that all EVs re-charge their lithium ion batteries by plugging into an electric power source.
Electric Vehicles (EVs) are everywhere! EVs are the first choice for local Tompkins County transportation fleets due to their reliability, excellent savings on fuel and maintenance, and environmental performance. TCAT keeps adding electric buses as fast as they can, TC Health Department has had an EV fleet for years; Ithaca School District bus fleet has electric buses and is phasing in more, and eBikes are in such high demand that Ithaca BikeShare will add hundreds more. But many people still don't have accurate information about driving electric.
Read on! Learn about different types of EVs, EV chargers, what EVs cost to purchase and operate, and the government incentives that cut costs for people ready to switch to an EV.
Holly Payne
Environment Educator
607-272-2292 x243
Last updated January 7, 2025