
Hazelnut and Chestnut Growing and Propagation

  • Saturday, August 19, 2023, 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Join us at Z's Nutty Ridge Nursery for their first Farm Field Day! Jeff & Dawn Zarnowski will give a tour of their tree nut farm & propagation greenhouse, and CCE Tompkins County agriculture staff will talk about support for the region's tree nut farmers. The tour and talk will be followed by a social hour for further conversation and Q&A with CCE staff and other highly knowledgeable tree nut farmers. 

Register for the tour, talk, and more. Light snacks will be provided; appropriate footwear for a farm walk is recommended.


Free; donation optional




Z's Nutty Ridge Nursery
5296 Town Line Rd
McGraw, NY 13101

Last updated August 10, 2023