A group of children have lunch in the school cafeteria.
Image by USDA

Childhood Nutrition Collaborative

Childhood Nutrition Collaborative

Childhood Nutrition Collaborative (CNC) is a cross-sector initiative that brings together partners to end childhood food insecurity in Tompkins County. CNC combines efforts to overcome barriers and acts on opportunities that build towards equitable access to nutritious food for all young people and their families.

CNC is not actively meeting at this time, but our work continues through other collaborative projects.

Our Vision:

Every pregnant woman, child, and young person in Tompkins County has the resources to access nutritious food every day, without stigma, allowing them to reach their full potential, and to thrive.

Our Mission:

Build connections across race, class, place, build a shared vision of food security, and empower residents and community members to work collectively to ensure that every young person pre-birth to age 24 is food secure to support their mental and physical health and well-being.

If you would like to learn more, give us feedback, or get involved, please be in touch!


Grace Parker Zielinski
Community Health Coordinator
(607) 272-2292

Last updated June 13, 2024