Flowers in Minns Garden, Cornell Campus.  Echinacea.  Cornell University Photography.
Image by Lindsay France
Tomato plants growing in garbage cans, July.
Image by Tom Sulcer
Master Gardener volunteer conducts a pH soil test on a soil sample
Image by Sandy Repp
Begonia rex
Image by Jerzy Opioła
garden tools
Image by

Help with Home Gardens

Whether you want to start a home vegetable garden, grow flowers, identify a garden pest, or improve your soil, we'll help you find the information you need for these and more home gardening projects!


Trained Master Gardener volunteers respond to your gardening questions. See our Ask the Growline page for info on how to contact us- by email, phone, or in person. 

Soil Testing Services

You can obtain pH, nutrient profile, and other specialized soil tests through CCE-Tompkins. Read about the soil testing services that we offer, and the instructions for taking a soil sample before bringing your sample to CCE-Tompkins for testing.

Insect, Disease or Plant Identification

This service is done here at CCE-Tompkins for $5/sample. If necessary, samples can be sent to Cornell University for identification, at a charge of $25/sample. Please read this information about how to submit an insect sample to The Cornell University Insect Diagnostic Laboratory.

Last updated July 1, 2024