woman with phone and photo of hydrilla

Send us your photo of suspected hydrilla against a light background, for identification!

Report Hydrilla Suspects

Think you might have found hydrilla?  Tell us! Your reports are a big help toward stopping the spread of this aggressive, invasive plant. Fields with an * are required.

Note: at least one image of the plant is required. Photos of plant specimens are preferred to be close up against a light/white background. One image should be close up of the plant -enough to count the number of leaves on the whorls (the “circle” of leaves coming off the main stem) and then a second image to show the edge of the leaves to better detect serrations (toothed). Maximum file size that can be uploaded is 1 MB.

The same individual may submit multiple entries. After your first submission, you will receive a message that you have already submitted this form. That does not mean you cannot submit another.

Fill out the Google Form to Report a Hydrilla Suspect or report the infestation to DEC at isinfo@dec.ny.gov or call (518) 402-9405.

Last updated January 13, 2021