Icebreaker at Master Composter Volunteer training session, 2009
Image by Sandy Repp

Master Composter training offered Feb - May, 2023!

Master composter volunteer (right) shows contents of worm composting bin to Nathalie Smallidge, Stephanie Terwilliger, Annie Seichepin & Adelaide Smallidge at Farm City Day 2005
Image by Sandy Repp

Vermicomposting display at Farm City Day.

Sign from the old Compost Demonstration site at Ithaca Community Gardens

Sign from the Compost Demo Site at Ithaca Community Gardens

Lasagna layering demonstration at the compost demonstration site at the Ithaca Community Gardens.

Learning about "Lasagna Layering"


The Compost Education Program supports the goals of the Tompkins County Department of Recycling and Materials Management to divert compostable materials from the waste stream and thereby maximize waste reduction in Tompkins County. This mission is achieved by training and supporting community volunteers to educate and enthuse the public about the benefits and methods of composting.

Program funded by the Tompkins County Department of Recycling and Materials Management

Last updated June 21, 2024