Hydrilla Found in the Croton River

Hydrilla was found in the Croton River, a tributary of the Hudson River, in October of 2013.  NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC)  organized a public meeting in December 2015 to share information on when hydrilla was found, where it is located, the challenges of management and the anticipated consequences of not managing hydrilla in the Croton River.   2014 Delineation of Hydrilla and Submersed Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) in the Croton River System

In 2016, NYSDEC had developed an herbicide management response to address the infestation in the Croton River. Due to a harmful algae bloom (HAB) in the reservoir above Croton River, the planned herbicide treatment was postponed and therefore did not occur as planned in 2016. NYSDEC and stakeholders will use the winter of 2016 to plan management and survey strategies for implementation during the 2017 season.

Below are PDF presentations from the December 2015 public meeting. Click on the image to view each set of presentation slides

. thumbnail for Hydrilla Overview PowerPoint for Croton-on-Hudson program. Slideshow by Mick Netherland  Hydrilla infestation of the Croton Watershed.  Image from a PowerPoint presentation given at a NYSDEC-organized meeting on  Dec. 2015.  Used by permission of  Mark Heilmann Hydrilla: some of the less discussed negative impacts of hydrilla.  Image from a PowerPoint presentation given at a NYSDEC-organized meeting on  Dec. 2015.  Used by permission of Michael Netherland

thumbnail image from Croton-on-Hudson PowerPoint presentation Dec.2015

Thumbnail for Kisbaugh PowerPoint "Evaluation of hydrilla control options for Croton River System"

Hydrilla- Cayuga Lake Watershed Hydrilla Project

For more information on the Croton-on-Hudson infestation,
contact  NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation.

Last updated July 26, 2019