exterior, 74 N. Applegate Road
exterior, 74 N. Applegate Road
living room at at 74 N. Applegate Road
kitchen at 74 N. Applegate Road
This house is a great example of simple, intelligent design resulting in an affordably built, very efficient tiny house.
Contact Name(s): Sharon Hammond
Year Built: 2017
Architect / Designer / Builder: Craig Hammond
Building Features: Under 1000 sq.ft.; local lumber and other materials;
air-source heat pump; solar.
Interested in tiny houses as well as sustainable design? This house is a great example of intelligent simple design resulting in an affordably built, very efficient tiny house. The home is powered with a small solar system and heated and cooled with air-source heat pumps. It hasn't yet been tested, but the home is expected to test out very near net zero.
Guillermo Metz
Solar & Agriculture Sr. Resource Educator
(607) 272-2292 ext. 185
Last updated September 28, 2017
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