This lovely home uses local materials and has a passive solar design.
This lovely home uses local materials and has a passive solar design.
This lovely home uses local materials and has a passive solar design.
This lovely home uses local materials and has a passive solar design.
This lovely home uses local materials and has a passive solar design.
The homes in White Hawk EcoVillage share many green building features. In addition, the homeowners employ other sustainable lifestyle solutions that keep their homes more energy efficient and environmentally sustainable.
Contact Name(s): Jules Behrens, Aelita Early, Brad and Jobeth Dingman
Address: White Hawk Lane, Ithaca, NY 14850
Type of Building: Residences / Homes in a co-housing community
Year Built: 2007-2012
Building Features: blown cellulose; local materials; non-toxic finishes/products; passive solar; rainwater catchment systems; root cellars; structurally insulated panels (SIPs) and double stud wall construction; PV systems; radiant slab heating; Energy-Star rated; Hardieplank exteriors; metal roofs; permaculture landscaping
Guillermo Metz
Solar & Agriculture Sr. Resource Educator
(607) 272-2292 ext. 185
Last updated September 29, 2015
CCE-Tompkins Education Center
615 Willow Avenue
Ithaca, NY 14850-3555
TEL: 607.272.2292
FAX: 607.272.7088
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-4:00 pm
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