The Caroline Town Office Building, located next to the historic Caroline Town Hall, houses the Town Clerk, Code Office, Library and records storage. The building is highly energy efficient, super-insulated, and is heated by the earth with a geothermal system. It also has a state-of-the-art solar "photovoltaic" array which turns energy from the sun into electricity, powering both the Office Building and historic Town Hall next door. The system is "net metered," meaning when it generates more electricity than needed in the buildings, it sends electricity back into the grid. NYSEG credits the Town for any power it produces, with a special "demand meter" that records energy used and generated. The system reduces costs to taxpayers and provides the town with a local, sustainable source of electricity.
Address: 2668 Slaterville Road, Slaterville Springs
Type of Building: Official
Designer/ Builder: Cayuga Country Homes and Finlo Energy
Year Built: 2010
Building Features: 12.6 kW solar array; geothermal system; super-insulated shell.
Guillermo Metz
Solar & Agriculture Sr. Resource Educator
(607) 272-2292 ext. 185
Last updated September 29, 2015